воскресенье, 19 февраля 2012 г.

QFD=HoQ ? Вовсе нет.

Именно это следует из того, что делают "законодатели" этого метода - QFDI под руководством Глена Мазура.

Modern Blitz QFD® (no-matrix) http://mazur.net/
1. Gemba Visits 
See customers in action to understand their unknown unspoken needs. Focus Groups and Surveys only address what you know to ask.
2. Analyze VOC
Special tools translate VOC into customer needs. Produces ratio, not ordinal, scale prioritization, for Six Sigma precision.
3. Maximum Value table
Critical customer needs are mapped into functional requirements, which are deployed end-to-end throughout the development process.
No House of Quality
HoQ is traditional QFD, but modern Blitz QFD®uses it only when extra detail is essential.
4. Redesign Critical Components
Developers should focus best efforts on maximizing customer value.
5. Prototype/ Test
The prototype is used to validate the design, not troubleshoot.
6. Launch
Ongoing QFD support until the product or service is launched.
7.QFD Black Belt®
Team members earn their QFD Black Belt®and their boss' respect.

Основное внимание - потребителю! 
И Гемба здесь - не производственная площадка, а место эксплуатации, использования продукции! 

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